Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra
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AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting #1129, Special Sessions on
Differential and Difference Algebra:
Recent Developments, Applications, and Interactions

Room HN504, Hunter College, New York, NY on May 6 and May 7, 2017.

These Special Sessions are organized by:
Alexander Levin (The Catholic University of America, and
Omar León Sánchez (University of Manchester, UK)

The presenter is marked by an asterisk when there are multiple authors. Each title is preceded by an AMS code in the form of AA-BBB, where AA is MSC 2-digit classification and BBB is a sequence number with a variable number of digits. Abstracts are from AMS official site for abstracts as of April 24, 2017, reproduced below in html format for convenience. For slides of talks, please click on the links provided.

Schedule • May 6 • May 7

Saturday, May 6, 2017, 08:00–17:00, Sessions I and II

Sunday, May 7, 2017, 08:00–15:30,  Sessions III and IV

Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra. KSDA meets most Fridays from 10:15 AM to 11:45 AM at the Graduate Center. The purpose of these meetings is to introduce the audience to differential algebra. The lectures will be suitable for graduate students and faculty and will often include open problems. Presentations will be made by visiting scholars, local faculty, and graduate students.

Kolchin Afternoon Seminar in Differential Algebra. This informal discussion series began during the Spring Semester of 2009 and will be continued. It normally goes from 2:00-5:00 pm (please check with organizers). All are welcome.

Other Academic Years

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Created by the KSDA Organizing Committee
Last updated May 14, 2017